Monday, June 15, 2009

My improvements this year

At the beginning of this year, you could say that my writing needed some work. My opinion Pieces were very out of order and random topics were scattered everywhere. They needed some major work. I tried to make an outline in my brain so that I could not get off subject and keep to the point. It worked sometimes but not all. You see one topic would take me to the next topic then that topic branched off from that topic and so on. I guess I just have a busy mind. I always tried to find a solution but I never really could. So I just decided that I am going to keep to the topic. So every time I would feel myself going off track I would read the question over again. Then I would read what I had written. Now that worked. My pieces after that point were more put together, sounded better and were more to the point. Now next year I want to work on my vocabulary. I want to be able to sound more adult and intelligent like I know what I am talking about. I also want to work on my structure. My writing sometimes can be confusing. I feel like if I worked on my structure I would be able to make a stronger point and overall make it better.

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